
NEPOMUK Contact Ontology describes contact information, common in many places on the desktop. It evolved from the VCARD specification (RFC 2426) and has been inspired by the Vcard Ontology by Renato Ianella. The scope of NCO is much broader though. This document gives an overview of the classes, properties and intended use cases of the NCO ontology.

Status of this document

This document arose from the work of the Task-Force ontologies within the NEPOMUK project. This document is a DRAFT made available by the Nepomuk Consortium for discussion only. This document is a work in progress and may be updated, replaced, or rendered obsolete by other documents at any time.

This document is a part in a set of seven documents, which together comprise the complete specification of the Nepomuk Information Element Ontology Framework. These are: NIE, NFO, NCO, NMO, NCAL, NEXIF, NID3.

Ontology Visualisation

Change Log


1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. Description of classes and properties
4. Usage
5. Examples

1. Introduction

The purpose of the Nepomuk Contact Ontology (NCO) is to describe contact information. It is one of the core elements of every Personal Information Management system and Nepomuk is no exception. Origins of this ontology can be traced back to VCARD specification published in [RFC2426]. The first attempt to convert RFC 2426 to RDF was made by Renato Ianella and published in a W3C working group note [VCARDRDF]. This ontology doesn't meet Nepomuk requirements though. Most of the properties don't have their domains and ranges set. It uses certain modelling techniques that result in untyped blank nodes. Those few range constraints that have been set are violated in the examples provided with the specification document.

All of this led to a decision to create a new ontology. This opportunity has been used to fill in the missing domain and range constraints and to expand the ontology with the concepts of Roles and arbitrary contact media. It came at a cost of reduced compatibility with the VCARD specification. The goal was to allow for lossless import of vCard data. Exporting vCard files might require discarding some information, since NCO is more expressive.

2. Scope

The meaning of the term 'Contact' in NCO is quite wide. It is every piece of data that identifies an entity or provides means to communicate with it. This definition has two aspects - identification and communication. NCO covers both of them.

NCO Scope

A very high level diagram of the scope of NCO is outlined in the figure above. It has two axes: content and complexity. The vertical one refers to the various kinds of entities mentioned in the definition of a Contact. They include people and organizations but in a general case anything that can be contacted, can be represented by an instance of the Contact class. This generality is justified by the fact, that in many cases automatic agents can be contacted with various means. Many companies operate automatic IVR systems the users may call to obtain information or place orders. Emails are sent by various software systems to notify the recipient of some event. In all of these cases, a user might want to reprent such entities on a contact list, even though they are neither people, nor organizations.

The horizontal axis represents the broad spectrum of use cases for this ontology. The left end is intended to cover simple bits of information about contacts. Such information is usually found in various places on a desktop. Recipients of emails, authors of documents, attendees of calendar events. All of these small pieces of data refer to Contacts, even though they are not parts of a typical addressbook or a Contact list.

The rightmost end of the horizontal axis represents cases where a Contact refers to an entry in an Addressbook. There are numerous applications that allow the user to manage a list of contacts. They usually store many pieces of data. In many cases a single person appears in various roles, as a private person and as an employee of a company or an organization. These roles are usually connected with their own addresses (private and business), telephone numbers, email addresses etc. Cases when a person is affiliated with multiple organizations make the matters even more complicated. NCO tries to provide means to express this role-based approach.

3. Description of classes and properties

The most important classes are outlined in the Figure below.

NCO Classes

Contact is the core class of NCO. It provides various properties for the purpose of identifying an entity. They include mostly names, either as one string - (fullname or split into constituent parts - nameFamily, nameGiven etc).

The communication information is expressed with subclasses of the ContactMedium class. They provide various means of communication. An entire hierarchy of various ContactMedia has been presented. Available subclasses include: PostalAddress, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, and IMAccount. Each medium is equipped with specific properties. For instance the PostalAddress can be split into various parts, an IMAccount has an instant messaging identifier, a status and a status message status message.

A single Contact has one default role (expressed by the fact that the Contact class is a subclass of Role. This makes it easier to use Contacts in places where little information is available (leftmost end of the complexity axis). When contacts are extracted from places where they are described in more detail (rightmost end of the complexity axis) the distinction between multiple roles can be expressed. NCO provides means to describe contact information to a person (PersonContact class that is affiliated (Affiliation) with multiple Organizations (OrganizationContact).

4. Usage

As already mentioned the definition of a Contact is intentionally broad. NCO is intended to cover a wide array of use cases. The most obvious one is description of entries found in addressbooks. There are many applications that work with such data. The list includes, but is certainly not limited to email clients, calendaring applications, standalone addressbook applications and online social services (like Orkut or LinkedIn).

Addressbook entries are not the only way to use NCO. Instances of the Contact class may come up in many other places, as senders and receivers of emails, as meeting attendees, as fileOwners etc. It is considered a best practice to use an instance of the Contact class wherever some contactable entity is referenced, even when the point where this reference is made contains little other information. See the list of properties that have Contact as their domain for ideas.

The NCO is a good example of the trend towards ontology integration. To illustrate the effect of it let's consider a contact disambiguation tool. It would browse all instances of the class Contact and aggregate those that refer to one Person (by email address or various forms of name). Such a tool wouldn't need to be aware of all properties in all ontologies that even though they have a plain String as their range - actually indicate a name of a person. If we left the names and email addresses as plain string values of specialized properties - it would become much more difficult to assign them to appropriate people automatically.

5. Examples


Representing vcard objects in rdf/xml, Renato Ianella, W3C Note 22 February 2001 http://www.w3.org/TR/vcard-rdf
vcard mime directory profile, Frank Dawson and Tim Howes http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2426.txt

Ontology Classes Description


Superclasses rdfs:Resource, nco:Role
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:department, nco:org, nco:role, nco:title
In range of: nco:hasAffiliation
Description Aggregates three properties defined in RFC2426. Originally all three were attached directly to a person. One person could have only one title and one role within one organization. This class is intended to lift this limitation.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:IMAccount, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:VideoIMAccount
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description Deprecated in favour of nco:imCapabilityAudio.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:ModemNumber, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A Bulletin Board System (BBS) phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=bbsl) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1.


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:age, nco:birthDate
In range of: nco:hasBirthDate
Description A class representing a person contact's birth date information. Possesses various attributes.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource, nco:VoicePhoneNumber
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A car phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=car) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:MessagingNumber, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource, nco:VoicePhoneNumber
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A cellular phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=cell) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1. Usually a cellular phone can accept voice calls as well as textual messages (SMS), therefore this class has two superclasses.


Superclasses nie:InformationElement, nao:Party, rdfs:Resource, nco:Role
Subclasses nco:OrganizationContact, nco:PersonContact
In domain of: nco:belongsToGroup, nco:contactUID, nco:hasCustomAttribute, nco:hasLocation, nco:hasName, nco:key, nco:note, nco:photo, nco:representative, nco:sound
In range of: nmm:actor, nexif:artist, nmm:assistantDirector, nid3:backgroundArtist, nmo:bcc, nmo:cc, nmm:cinematographer, nid3:composer, nmm:composer, nid3:conductor, nco:contributor, nco:creator, ncal:delegatedFrom, ncal:delegatedTo, nmm:director, nid3:encodedBy, nfo:fileOwner, nid3:fileOwner, nfo:foundry, nmo:from, nid3:internetRadioStationOwner, nid3:interpretedBy, ncal:involvedContact, nid3:involvedPersonContact, nid3:leadArtist, nid3:licensee, nmm:lyricist, ncal:member, nid3:originalArtist, nid3:originalTextWriter, nmm:performer, nmo:primaryRecipient, nmm:producer, nco:publisher, nid3:publisher, nmo:recipient, nmo:replyTo, nco:representative, nmo:secondaryRecipient, nmo:sender, ncal:sentBy, nso:sharedWithContact, nid3:textWriter, nmo:to, nmm:writer
Description A Contact. A piece of data that can provide means to identify or communicate with an entity.


Superclasses nie:InformationElement, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:contactGroupName
In range of: nco:belongsToGroup, nso:sharedWithGroup
Description A group of Contacts. Could be used to express a group in an addressbook or on a contact list of an IM application. One contact can belong to many groups.


Superclasses nie:InformationElement, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:containsContact
In range of: --
Description A contact list, this class represents an addressbook or a contact list of an IM application. Contacts inside a contact list can belong to contact groups.


Superclasses nie:DataObject, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: nco:containsContact
Description An entity occuring on a contact list (usually interpreted as an nco:Contact)


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:AudioIMAccount, nco:BbsNumber, nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:CellPhoneNumber, nco:DomesticDeliveryAddress, nco:EmailAddress, nco:FaxNumber, nco:IMAccount, nco:InternationalDeliveryAddress, nco:IsdnNumber, nco:MessagingNumber, nco:ModemNumber, nco:PagerNumber, nco:ParcelDeliveryAddress, nco:PcsNumber, nco:PhoneNumber, nco:PostalAddress, nco:VideoIMAccount, nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:VoicePhoneNumber
In domain of: nco:contactMediumComment
In range of: nmo:emailBcc, nmo:emailCc, nmo:emailTo, nco:hasContactMedium, nmo:messageFrom, nmo:messageRecipient, nmo:messageReplyTo, nmo:messageSender, nmo:primaryMessageRecipient, nmo:secondaryMessageRecipient
Description A superclass for all contact media - ways to contact an entity represented by a Contact instance. Some of the subclasses of this class (the various kinds of telephone numbers and postal addresses) have been inspired by the values of the TYPE parameter of ADR and TEL properties defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.2.1. and 3.3.1 respectively. Each value is represented by an appropriate subclass with two major exceptions TYPE=home and TYPE=work. They are to be expressed by the roles these contact media are attached to i.e. contact media with TYPE=home parameter are to be attached to the default role (nco:Contact or nco:PersonContact), whereas media with TYPE=work parameter should be attached to nco:Affiliation or nco:OrganizationContact.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PostalAddress, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description Domestic Delivery Addresse. Class inspired by TYPE=dom parameter of the ADR property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.2.1


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:emailAddress
In range of: nco:hasEmailAddress
Description An email address. The recommended best practice is to use mailto: uris for instances of this class.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A fax number. Inspired by the (TYPE=fax) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1.


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: nco:gender
Description Gender. Instances of this class may include male and female.
Instances nco:female, nco:male


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: nco:hobby
Description Instances of this class represent personal hobbies and interests.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:AudioIMAccount, nco:VideoIMAccount
In domain of: nco:hasIMCapability, nco:imAccountType, nco:imID, nco:imNickname, nco:imStatus, nco:imStatusMessage, nco:imStatusType, nco:isAccessedBy, nco:isBlocked, nco:publishesPresenceTo, nco:requestedPresenceSubscriptionTo
In range of: nco:hasIMAccount, nco:isAccessedBy, nco:publishesPresenceTo, nco:requestedPresenceSubscriptionTo
Description An account in an Instant Messaging system.


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: nco:hasIMCapability
Description Capabilities of a cetain IMAccount.
Instances nco:imCapabilityAudio, nco:imCapabilityText, nco:imCapabilityVideo


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: nco:imStatusType
Description The status type of an IMAccount. Based on the Connection\_Presence\_Type enumeration of the Telepathy project: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/spec/Connection\_Interface\_Simple\_Presence.html#Enum:Connection\_Presence\_Type
Instances nco:IMStatusTypeAvailable, nco:IMStatusTypeAway, nco:IMStatusTypeBusy, nco:IMStatusTypeExtendedAway, nco:IMStatusTypeHidden, nco:IMStatusTypeOffline, nco:IMStatusTypeUnknown


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PostalAddress, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description International Delivery Addresse. Class inspired by TYPE=intl parameter of the ADR property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.2.1


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource, nco:VoicePhoneNumber
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description An ISDN phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=isdn) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:CellPhoneNumber, nco:PagerNumber
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A number that can accept textual messages.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:BbsNumber
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A modem phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=modem) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1.


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:PersonName
In domain of: nco:fullname, nco:nickname
In range of: nco:hasName
Description A class representing a contact's name. Possesses various attributes.


Superclasses nco:Contact, nie:InformationElement, nao:Party, rdfs:Resource, nco:Role
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:logo
In range of: nco:org
Description A Contact that denotes on Organization.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:MessagingNumber, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A pager phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=pager) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec 3.3.1.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PostalAddress, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description Parcel Delivery Addresse. Class inspired by TYPE=parcel parameter of the ADR property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.2.1


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource, nco:VoicePhoneNumber
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description Personal Communication Services Number. A class inspired by the TYPE=pcs parameter of the TEL property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.3.1


Superclasses nco:Contact, nie:InformationElement, nao:Party, rdfs:Resource, nco:Role
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:gender, nco:hasAffiliation, nco:hasBirthDate, nco:hasPersonName, nco:hobby
In range of: --
Description A Contact that denotes a Person. A person can have multiple Affiliations.


Superclasses nco:Name, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: nco:nameAdditional, nco:nameFamily, nco:nameGiven, nco:nameHonorificPrefix, nco:nameHonorificSuffix
In range of: nco:hasPersonName
Description A class representing a person contact's name. Possesses various attributes.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:BbsNumber, nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:CellPhoneNumber, nco:FaxNumber, nco:IsdnNumber, nco:MessagingNumber, nco:ModemNumber, nco:PagerNumber, nco:PcsNumber, nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:VoicePhoneNumber
In domain of: nco:phoneNumber
In range of: nco:hasPhoneNumber
Description A telephone number.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:DomesticDeliveryAddress, nco:InternationalDeliveryAddress, nco:ParcelDeliveryAddress
In domain of: nco:addressLocation, nco:country, nco:extendedAddress, nco:locality, nco:pobox, nco:postalcode, nco:region, nco:streetAddress
In range of: nco:hasPostalAddress
Description A postal address. A class aggregating the various parts of a value for the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.2.1.


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:Affiliation, nco:Contact, nco:OrganizationContact, nco:PersonContact
In domain of: nco:blogUrl, nco:end, nco:foafUrl, nco:hasContactMedium, nco:hasEmailAddress, nco:hasIMAccount, nco:hasPhoneNumber, nco:hasPostalAddress, nco:start, nco:url, nco:websiteUrl
In range of: --
Description A role played by a contact. Contacts that denote people, can have many roles (e.g. see the hasAffiliation property and Affiliation class). Contacts that denote Organizations or other Agents usually have one role. Each role can introduce additional contact media.


Superclasses nco:AudioIMAccount, nco:ContactMedium, nco:IMAccount, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description Deprecated in favour of nco:imCapabilityVideo.


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource, nco:VoicePhoneNumber
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description A Video telephone number. A class inspired by the TYPE=video parameter of the TEL property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.3.1


Superclasses nco:ContactMedium, nco:PhoneNumber, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:CellPhoneNumber, nco:IsdnNumber, nco:PcsNumber, nco:VideoTelephoneNumber
In domain of: nco:voiceMail
In range of: --
Description A telephone number with voice communication capabilities. Class inspired by the TYPE=voice parameter of the TEL property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.3.1

Ontology Properties Description


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range geo:Point
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description The geographical location of a postal address.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:BirthDate
Range xsd:nonNegativeInteger
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Indicates the age of a person contact.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range nco:ContactGroup
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links a Contact with a ContactGroup it belongs to.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:BirthDate
Range xsd:date
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties dc:date
Subproperties --
Description Birth date of the object represented by this Contact. An equivalent of the 'BDAY' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.1.5.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range rdfs:Resource
Superproperties nco:url
Subproperties --
Description A Blog url.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:ContactGroup
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties dc:title
Subproperties --
Description The name of the contact group. This property was NOT defined in the VCARD standard. See documentation of the 'ContactGroup' class for details


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:ContactMedium
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A comment about the contact medium. (Deprecated in favor of nie:comment or nao:description - based on the context)


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties nie:identifier, dc:identifier, nao:identifier
Subproperties --
Description A value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated with the Contact. An equivalent of the 'UID' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.6.7


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:ContactList
Range nco:ContactListDataObject
Superproperties dcterms:hasPart, nie:hasPart, nie:relatedTo, dc:relation
Subproperties --
Description A property used to group contacts into contact groups. This property was NOT defined in the VCARD standard. See documentation for the 'ContactList' class for details


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nie:InformationElement
Range nco:Contact
Superproperties nao:annotation, nao:contributor, dc:contributor
Subproperties nmm:actor, nexif:artist, nmm:assistantDirector, nid3:backgroundArtist, nmm:cinematographer, nid3:composer, nmm:composer, nid3:conductor, nco:creator, nmm:director, nid3:encodedBy, nfo:foundry, nid3:interpretedBy, nmm:lyricist, nid3:originalArtist, nid3:originalTextWriter, nmm:performer, nmm:producer, nid3:textWriter, nmm:writer
Description An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the InformationElement.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A part of an address specyfing the country. Inspired by the seventh part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nie:InformationElement
Range nco:Contact
Superproperties nao:annotation, nao:contributor, nco:contributor, dc:contributor, nao:creator, dc:creator
Subproperties nexif:artist, nid3:composer, nfo:foundry, nid3:originalArtist
Description Creator of an information element, an entity primarily responsible for the creation of the content of the data object.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Affiliation
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Department. The organizational unit within the organization.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:EmailAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range xsd:dateTime
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description End datetime for the role, such as: the datetime of leaving a project or organization, datetime of ending employment, datetime of divorce. If absent or set to a date in the future, the role is currently active.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description An extended part of an address. This field might be used to express parts of an address that aren't include in the name of the Contact but also aren't part of the actual location. Usually the streed address and following fields are enough for a postal letter to arrive. Examples may include ('University of California Campus building 45', 'Sears Tower 34th floor' etc.) Inspired by the second part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range rdfs:Resource
Superproperties nco:url
Subproperties --
Description The URL of the FOAF file.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Name
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties rdfs:label, nao:prefLabel, dc:title, nie:title
Subproperties --
Description To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the Contact represents. An equivalent of the FN property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.1.1.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonContact
Range nco:Gender
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Gender of the given contact.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonContact
Range nco:Affiliation
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links a PersonContact with an Affiliation.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonContact
Range nco:BirthDate
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Attaches birth date information to a person contact.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range nco:ContactMedium
Superproperties --
Subproperties nco:hasEmailAddress, nco:hasIMAccount, nco:hasPhoneNumber, nco:hasPostalAddress
Description A superProperty for all properties linking a Contact to an instance of a contact medium.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range --
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A generic contact attribute introduced in order to enable customisation of contact details. Thus, systems using the NCO to model contact and person information, can introduce customised attributes by creating them as a subproperty of this one.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range nco:EmailAddress
Superproperties nco:hasContactMedium
Subproperties --
Description An address for electronic mail communication with the object specified by this contact. An equivalent of the 'EMAIL' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.3.1.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range nco:IMAccount
Superproperties nco:hasContactMedium
Subproperties --
Description Indicates that an Instant Messaging account owned by an entity represented by this contact.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range nco:IMCapability
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Indicates that an IMAccount has a certain capability.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range geo:Point
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Geographical location of the contact. Inspired by the 'GEO' property specified in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.4.2


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range nco:Name
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Attaches name information to a contact.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonContact
Range nco:PersonName
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Attaches name information to a person contact.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range nco:PhoneNumber
Superproperties nco:hasContactMedium
Subproperties --
Description A number for telephony communication with the object represented by this Contact. An equivalent of the 'TEL' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.3.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range nco:PostalAddress
Superproperties nco:hasContactMedium
Subproperties --
Description The default Address for a Contact. An equivalent of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.2.1.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonContact
Range nco:Hobby
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A hobby associated with a PersonContact. This property can be used to express hobbies and interests.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Type of the IM account. This may be the name of the service that provides the IM functionality. Examples might include Jabber, ICQ, MSN etc


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range xsd:string
Superproperties nao:identifier
Subproperties --
Description Identifier of the IM account. Examples of such identifier might include ICQ UINs, Jabber IDs, Skype names etc.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A nickname attached to a particular IM Account.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Current status of the given IM account. When this property is set, the nco:imStatusType should also always be set. Applications should attempt to parse this property to determine the presence, only falling back to the nco:imStatusType property in the case that this property's value is unrecognised. Values for this property may include 'available', 'offline', 'busy' etc. The exact choice of them is unspecified, although it is recommended to follow the guidance of the Telepathy project when choosing a string identifier http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/spec/Connection\_Interface\_Simple\_Presence.html#description


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A feature common in most IM systems. A message left by the user for all his/her contacts to see.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range nco:IMStatusType
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Current status type of the given IM account. When this property is set, the nco:imStatus property should also always be set. Applications should attempt to parse the nco:imStatus property to determine the presence, only falling back to this property in the case that the nco:imStatus property's value is unrecognised.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range nco:IMAccount
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Indicates the local IMAccount by which this IMAccount is accessed. This does not imply membership of a contact list.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range xsd:boolean
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Indicates that this IMAccount has been blocked.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range nie:DataObject
Superproperties dcterms:hasPart, nie:hasPart, nie:relatedTo, dc:relation
Subproperties --
Description An encryption key attached to a contact. Inspired by the KEY property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.7.2


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Locality or City. Inspired by the fourth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:OrganizationContact
Range nie:DataObject
Superproperties dcterms:hasPart, nie:hasPart, nie:relatedTo, dc:relation
Subproperties --
Description Logo of a company. Inspired by the LOGO property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.5.3


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonName
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Additional given name of an object represented by this contact. See documentation for 'nameFamily' property for details.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonName
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description The family name of an Object represented by this Contact. These applies to people that have more than one given name. The 'first' one is considered 'the' given name (see nameGiven) property. All additional ones are considered 'additional' names. The name inherited from parents is the 'family name'. e.g. For Dr. John Phil Paul Stevenson Jr. M.D. A.C.P. we have contact with: honorificPrefix: 'Dr.', nameGiven: 'John', nameAdditional: 'Phil', nameAdditional: 'Paul', nameFamily: 'Stevenson', honorificSuffix: 'Jr.', honorificSuffix: 'M.D.', honorificSuffix: 'A.C.P.'. These properties form an equivalent of the compound 'N' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.1.2


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonName
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description The given name for the object represented by this Contact. See documentation for 'nameFamily' property for details.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonName
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A prefix for the name of the object represented by this Contact. See documentation for the 'nameFamily' property for details.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PersonName
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A suffix for the name of the Object represented by the given object. See documentation for the 'nameFamily' for details.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Name
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A nickname of the Object represented by this Contact. This is an equivalent of the 'NICKNAME' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.1.3.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range xsd:string
Superproperties nao:annotation, rdfs:comment, nie:description, nao:description, dc:description
Subproperties --
Description A note about the object represented by this Contact. An equivalent for the 'NOTE' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.6.2


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Affiliation
Range nco:OrganizationContact
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Name of an organization or a unit within an organization the object represented by a Contact is associated with. An equivalent of the 'ORG' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.5.5


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PhoneNumber
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range nie:DataObject
Superproperties dcterms:hasPart, nie:hasPart, nie:relatedTo, dc:relation
Subproperties --
Description Photograph attached to a Contact. The DataObject referred to by this property is usually interpreted as an nfo:Image. Inspired by the PHOTO property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.1.4


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Post office box. This is the first part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Postal Code. Inspired by the sixth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nie:InformationElement
Range nco:Contact
Superproperties dc:publisher
Subproperties nid3:publisher
Description An entity responsible for making the InformationElement available.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range nco:IMAccount
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Indicates that this IMAccount publishes its presence information to the other IMAccount.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Region. Inspired by the fifth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range nco:Contact
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description An object that represent an object represented by this Contact. Usually this property is used to link a Contact to an organization, to a contact to the representative of this organization the user directly interacts with. An equivalent for the 'AGENT' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.5.4


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:IMAccount
Range nco:IMAccount
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Indicates that this IMAccount has requested a subscription to the presence information of the other IMAccount.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Affiliation
Range xsd:string
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Role an object represented by this contact represents in the organization. This might include 'Programmer', 'Manager', 'Sales Representative'. Be careful to avoid confusion with the title property. An equivalent of the 'ROLE' property as defined in RFC 2426. Sec. 3.5.2. Note the difference between nco:Role class and nco:role property.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Contact
Range nie:DataObject
Superproperties dcterms:hasPart, nie:hasPart, nie:relatedTo, dc:relation
Subproperties --
Description Sound clip attached to a Contact. The DataObject referred to by this property is usually interpreted as an nfo:Audio. Inspired by the SOUND property defined in RFC 2425 sec. 3.6.6.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range xsd:dateTime
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Start datetime for the role, such as: the datetime of joining a project or organization, datetime of starting employment, datetime of marriage


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:PostalAddress
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description The streed address. Inspired by the third part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Affiliation
Range xsd:string
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description The official title the object represented by this contact in an organization. E.g. 'CEO', 'Director, Research and Development', 'Junior Software Developer/Analyst' etc. An equivalent of the 'TITLE' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.5.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range rdfs:Resource
Superproperties --
Subproperties nco:blogUrl, nco:foafUrl, nco:websiteUrl
Description A uniform resource locator associated with the given role of a Contact. Inspired by the 'URL' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.6.8.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:VoicePhoneNumber
Range xsd:boolean
Maximal cardinality 1
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Indicates if the given number accepts voice mail. (e.g. there is an answering machine). Inspired by TYPE=msg parameter of the TEL property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.3.1


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain nco:Role
Range rdfs:Resource
Superproperties nco:url
Subproperties --
Description A url of a website.